Friday, April 16, 2010

Deception #5 - Dream It - Do It and Playing Checkers in a Chess World

I'm going to wade into a raging debate with this post. It's one that is going on in the background under the conscious radar of most Americans. Yet it really is raging in our boardrooms and classrooms leaving frustration and confusion in it's wake. In fact, everytime you hear an American President or some other respected person claim we are fallling behind in math and science, they are in some measure staking a position in this debate.

This deception also often comes disguised as “The American Dream”. It is the idea that most anyone can do anything they want to. It’s roots are deeply imbedded in Tabula Rasa (Latin: blank slate)which refers to the thesis that individual human beings are born with no built-in mental content, in a word, "blank", and that their entire resource of knowledge is built up gradually from their experiences and sensory perceptions of the outside world. It is supported by many psychological theories including American psychologist-educator-inventor-poet B.F Skinner who established his own philosophy called Radical Behaviorism.

Skinner believed and taught immediate positive and negative reinforcement and supported the idea that with proper behavioral objectives and feedback everyone should be able to learn anything and everything. Strengths in Education expert Jennifer Fox suggests, “this philosophy permeates education today and given the right amount of learning in a small enough dose, everyone can master the entire curriculum.”

It only follows that this idea is also deeply imbedded in the work place. Motivational experts now espouse a program called Nuero Linguistic Programming (Brain Language Programming) which canonizes a primary pre-supposition, “If one person can do something, anyone can do it”. It is rampant in all kinds of sales organizations and network marketing organizations that often teach that with hard work, anyone can be successful at selling.

A new brand of behaviorism is being led by Florida State psychology professor K. Anders Ericcson with authors Geoff Colvin, Daniel Coyle, David Shenk lining up behind him with books more suited for the masses. If you want to study their positions more closely I recommend:

The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance by K. Anders Ericcson
Talent Is Overrated by Geoff Colvin
The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle
The Genius In All Of Us by Daniel Coyle

It is also well articulated in Malcolm Gladwell's recent work "Outliers".

If you want a free quick primer of the philosophy try the Harvard Business Review article:

They take positions that are extremely well reasoned, thought out, and articulated. The research is so extensive it seems to present almost incontrovertible evidence for the conclusions presented. Much or even most of the work has a strong factual and even in many cases helpful basis. But it is woefully incomplete more than it is wrong!

The problem in my opinion is that they seem to be ignoring loads of evidence and research that balance and complete the conclusions they present. Let me sum up this new body of work on behaviorism: “Talent and innate aptitude is of very little or no importance when it comes to world class performance. Desire, deliberate practice, and supportive environments over time alone lead to world class performance.”

In other words, they take a checkers position in a chess world! In some ways this simplifies management and throws us back into a world of “If you’re not performing, you either have a bad attitude or aren’t working hard or smart enough”. The problem is that this line of thinking is simply incomplete and will lead millions to frustration and often failure.

I believe that scholars Skinner and Ericcson, along with a host of motivators have significant value in inspiring people to reach their full potential and I am indebted to many of them. But we must move from the checkers mentality to a chess mentality. What is the essential difference between checkers and chess? Many would answer, “Chess is more complicated than Checkers”. Surely this is one right answer but why? One reason is that there are multiple pieces in chess with each one having different abilities to move on the board. The Rook moves in straight lines. The Bishop moves diagonally and the Knight moves in an “L” shape. In checkers all the pieces are the same. We live in a chess world and always have.

Motivator Zig Ziglar acknowledged this in some of his talks around the country. Often Zig has shared, “I don’t believe I could get in the ring with Mohammed Ali and win a boxing match no matter how hard I train… I’m too old, too slow, and too fat.” Most of us recognize this truth in the realm of physical talent. We don’t try to put 7 foot basketball players on horses and make them jockeys. We don’t try to make basketball centers out of 5 foot jockeys. We just need to realize that it extends far more widely than most of us realize. Zig rightly inspires us:

“Man is designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, endowed with the seeds of greatness.”
I couldn’t agree more. But we are designed differently, engineered uniquely, and each endowed with seeds that bloom in different shades and colors and hues.

My position is aptitude and talent based but completed and summarized well by the title of John Maxwell’s book, Talent Is Never Enough. Over the next few weeks we’ll be working through this critical foundational philosophy I first heard simplified by Dallas Theological Seminary Professor Howard Hendricks many years ago. It is generally supported by scores of leading edge educators including massive research by Harvard University Professor Howard Gardner, business authors Stephen Covey, Jim Collins, Marcus Buckingham, and Tom Rath,  the Gallup Organization and the father of Strengths Psychology Don O. Clifton.  It has deep spiritual roots in the Bible and deep historical roots in the writings of Buddha, Aristotle, Plato, Seneca, Rumi, Balthasar Gracian, Benjamin Franklin and P.T. Barnum himself.

 It simply states “Success comes when we:

1. Discover our unique gifts, talents, aptitudes, and abilities

2. Develop those gifts, talents, and aptitudes with attitudes,  skills, training, coaching, and supportive environments

3. Deploy or Deliver those gifts and abilities to a place that intersects with a need in the marketplace

It is actually in step two that the work of Anders Ericcson and the others becomes extremely useful. When built solidly on the foundation of step one and flowing into step three they have identified the “heart” of performance.... insanely great performance!

But first, we’ll look at a few more deceptions...

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"The Purpose of this letter is to describe the benefits I enjoyed from my coaching experience with Dale Cobb. I had a very specific issue, which I needed help getting over the hump with. Our conversations were very helpful in keeping me on track and getting me to the finish line. I believe that Dale is a keen observer of the human condition and has the ability to reflect back an individuals thoughts and goals as one strives for success. I found the services offered by Dale to be timely and effective. In the future, I am sure I will be presented with challenges that require outside assistance. When that time comes, I will not hesitate to call on Dale for his fresh bright and insightful guidance."

Thank You,
Joe Sexton
Managing Partner, CFR Executive Search
Chicago, Illinois

“Working with Dale has always been rewarding. Dale has always been on the leading edge developing new ways of marketing his products and services. Always willing to try new approaches and follow through... Always convincing.”

Fred Friday, Director of Operations
Fundcraft Publishing
Memphis, Tennessee

"Dale has always impressed me with his integrity, marketing insights, compassion and follow through. He thinks outside the box, asks the questions that others fail to ask and has a real heart for training others to be the best they can be. You can count on Dale."

Tim Turner, Owner Turner Strategic
Atlanta, Georgia

“Dale is always the most prepared person in the room. He has the ability to listen and clarify the issue at hand. He is a creative, caring leader. He has always been a joy to work with.”

Beverly Sherman, Owner Creative Connections
Lansing, Michigan

I would like to take the opportunity to offer my recommendation for Dale Cobb. He has the remarkable ability to clearly listen to a problem, understand the issues and suggest a course of action that satisfies the needs of me and my clients. I cannot tell you how many times his advice was precisely what I needed to close a deal or carefully resolve a difficult situation. He is resourceful and creative in his teaching style. Over all he helped me to be more efficient and successful in my career.

Michael Ward
Sacramento, California

It has been an incredible experience for me having you as my coach. As a small business owner I have at times felt isolated and stuck in my own thinking. With your excellent coaching I have been able to expand not only my thinking about existing design practice but about the design and building industry and how I can enlarge my place in it.

Interior Designer
Carmel, California

Dale helped me with exploring perspectives, chunking them down, setting goals, action planning, and overcoming hurdles (professionally and personally). The coaching format has moved me from a dream to implementing an action plan.

Management Consultant
Greenbrae, California

I have found your coaching very helpful. I have been somewhat stuck in my career decisions, but with your understanding and focus I am now moving forward. I am now positive about my direction and the steps I want to take. The coaching has also helped my personal life. I thank you for being there for me now and in the future.

Retired Dentist
Meadow Vista, California

This is one of the most beneficial and rewarding classes I have attended. Thank You.

Comfortable casual feeling....Lots of laughter...Made classes fun and increased learning.

Everything was explained so clearly. I came away from the course having learned a great deal.

Very interesting, I've learned a lot... The material has given me a lot to work with.I've enjoyed all the sessions and feel I received something from each session to help me be a better person.