Saturday, April 10, 2010

Deception #1 Part 2 - The Dead End Job

We are talking about how to become World Class or what I like to call "Insanely Great".  Specifically, we're looking at obstacles in the form of career deceptions that tend to be very pervasive in our culture.  Yesterday we began delving into the dead end job dececption and how it manifests itself around fast food jobs.  Close behind flipping burgers would be the almost equally maligned “retail store clerk”. Marcus Buckingham shares the inspiring story of Tami Heim in his fantastic book, The One Thing You Need To Know. Buckingham begins:

Tami always had a fascination with stores. So great was her fascination that by the age of twelve she knew she wanted to go into retail. Actually, that not entirely true. She started playing store with her friends much earlier than that. But it was only as she reached age twelve that she started talking about it seriously.

She was urged by her uncle, at age sixteen, to test out her fascination by apply at a local department store. She applied at Lazarus in her home town of Indianapolis. She was told they weren’t hiring any part timers, but because she was unclear what part-time meant she sat in the waiting room all day in hopes she would get hired. She was finally granted an interview with the operations manager and her passion won him over.
At first she got all the tough jobs to show her that retail in real life wasn’t all fun and games. But Tami says she was addicted from the get go. She loved the immediate feed back of retail where if you change or move a display you can see right away if it worked. She loved the theater of it, the drama of every day putting on a show for thousands of customers. As she puts it, “I just couldn’t imagine anything more exciting than coming in every day and having a chance to do that.”

She worked at the store all the way through high school and through her years studying retail management at Purdue University. After graduation she was placed in a management training program and steadily moved up through the ranks from department manager, to manager of a small store, then manager of a larger store. There were setbacks along the way. Her parent company went into bankruptcy but through it all she maintained her passion.

Then one day Borders called. She was first hired as one of there territorial vice-presidents responsible for the western U.S. Only two years later she was asked to assume the role of company president. During her tenure profits shot up and the stock price grew 66%.

Patrick McCarthy arrived at a then small regional seven-store retail chain in 1971 at the age of 26. He had found his former job as a prison counselor frustrating and mentally draining and was looking for something he might have a better aptitude for.

Unfortunately he was ill-prepared for the job and as he says, “I made every mistake in the book”. As a beginner in the men’s clothing department he knew nothing about clothes and had no personal style. He wore his shirts too big, he didn’t know how to fold garments for display, and knew nothing of how to coordinate color and texture. Worse...after working at Nordstrom for less than two years, he had developed a reputation for being uncooperative, hard to manage, and not a team player.

But then things began to shift. He found a mentor by the name of Ray Black. A manager by the name of Patrick Kennedy took McCarthy under his wing and began to develop him. McCarthy says, about his 7th year his business started to come together an take off. At one point his client list included 40 lawyers from one firm alone.

After 30 years Patrick McCarthy retired in 2001 as Nordstrom’s All-Time Top Salesman. In fact… for 15 consecutive years, he was the number one salesperson through out the entire chain. If you feel a tug toward retail, I can think of no better primer than a book he co-wrote with Robert Spector titled The Nordstrom Way.
Let’s continue to establish, the only dead end job is the one you are not talented for and passionate about.

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Build The Career You Love!

Welcome to "Maximize Your Career", a site designed to '"Revolutionize Your Approach To Life and Work. Our goals are to offer daily posts and resources that will help you enjoy increasingly higher levels of success, satisfaction, and significance. We will help you focus on productive attitudes, increased use of your aptitudes, talents, and abilities, and navigate the job searching, sorting, and selection process. This site is for career professionals, business owners, managers, parents, educators, and students who want to increase their effectiveness in the world of work. Whether you are super-employed, unemployed, underemployed, miserably-employed, nervously-employed – in school preparing for work or in retirement returning to work – you are an incredible, we believe one-of-a-kind person made by God who is as motivator Zig Ziglar says, “Designed for Accomplishment, Engineered for Success, Endowed with the Seeds of Greatness.”

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Thank You,
Joe Sexton
Managing Partner, CFR Executive Search
Chicago, Illinois

“Working with Dale has always been rewarding. Dale has always been on the leading edge developing new ways of marketing his products and services. Always willing to try new approaches and follow through... Always convincing.”

Fred Friday, Director of Operations
Fundcraft Publishing
Memphis, Tennessee

"Dale has always impressed me with his integrity, marketing insights, compassion and follow through. He thinks outside the box, asks the questions that others fail to ask and has a real heart for training others to be the best they can be. You can count on Dale."

Tim Turner, Owner Turner Strategic
Atlanta, Georgia

“Dale is always the most prepared person in the room. He has the ability to listen and clarify the issue at hand. He is a creative, caring leader. He has always been a joy to work with.”

Beverly Sherman, Owner Creative Connections
Lansing, Michigan

I would like to take the opportunity to offer my recommendation for Dale Cobb. He has the remarkable ability to clearly listen to a problem, understand the issues and suggest a course of action that satisfies the needs of me and my clients. I cannot tell you how many times his advice was precisely what I needed to close a deal or carefully resolve a difficult situation. He is resourceful and creative in his teaching style. Over all he helped me to be more efficient and successful in my career.

Michael Ward
Sacramento, California

It has been an incredible experience for me having you as my coach. As a small business owner I have at times felt isolated and stuck in my own thinking. With your excellent coaching I have been able to expand not only my thinking about existing design practice but about the design and building industry and how I can enlarge my place in it.

Interior Designer
Carmel, California

Dale helped me with exploring perspectives, chunking them down, setting goals, action planning, and overcoming hurdles (professionally and personally). The coaching format has moved me from a dream to implementing an action plan.

Management Consultant
Greenbrae, California

I have found your coaching very helpful. I have been somewhat stuck in my career decisions, but with your understanding and focus I am now moving forward. I am now positive about my direction and the steps I want to take. The coaching has also helped my personal life. I thank you for being there for me now and in the future.

Retired Dentist
Meadow Vista, California

This is one of the most beneficial and rewarding classes I have attended. Thank You.

Comfortable casual feeling....Lots of laughter...Made classes fun and increased learning.

Everything was explained so clearly. I came away from the course having learned a great deal.

Very interesting, I've learned a lot... The material has given me a lot to work with.I've enjoyed all the sessions and feel I received something from each session to help me be a better person.