Thursday, May 13, 2010

Maximize Career Discovery - The Noun Window List Assessment

Some of your strengths are nouns. They might also be considered passions or things you love. For example: spreadsheets and bedsheets, houses and horses, computers and candy, Microsoft and music, applications and antiques. They might be called your areas of expertise or at least the areas you know something about. They are specialized knowledge stored in your brain – which you may think of as a giant filing cabinet, at your disposal. You have internalized these over time, through life experience, school, apprenticeships, reading, study, or from coaches and teachers. It doesn't how you got them. Which ones are you passionate about?

One way to identify your “noun” strengths is to notice what section of a bookstore you gravitate to. Another wood be to look through the yellow pages of the phone book. And another would be to go through a list like this one and circle or highlight those things that excite you.  As you read the list slowly, mark the ones that make your heart begin to race!  Then copy them down in your notebook.

Advertisements Aerospace Agriculture Aids Alarms Ambulances Anesthesiology Animals

Anthropology Antiques Apartments Apparel Apple Appliances Applications

Appraisal Arbitration Architecture Art Asia Assembly Associations Astronomy Auction

Audio/Video Authors Automobiles Aviation Baked-Goods Bath Beauty Beds Beer Beverage

Bible Biology Blacktop Blogs Boats Bonds Bottles Bovine-Semen Breeds Business Cafeterias

Candy Capitol Caps/Hats Carpet Cars Cement Charity Chemicals Chemistry Children Choir

Church Citrus Cleaning Clergy Coatings Code Coins College Colors Commodities

Companies Computers Construction Contracts Copy Cosmetology Cotton Criminal-Justice

Curtains Dairy Dance Data Decoration Dentistry Departments Dermatology Design

Development Diamonds Dirt Disease Display Distribution Docks Donuts Drama Drinks

Economics Education Electricity Electronics Employment Energy Engineering Engines

England Entertainment Environment Equipment Escorts Excavation Exercise Export Fabric

Facilities Farms Fashion Feeding Fiction Files Film Finance Fire Fish Fitness Fixtures

Flowers Food Forests Foundations Franchise Freight Fruit Fuel Funds Funerals Furnishings

Furniture Games Garbage Gas Gems Geography Geology Glass Government Grades

Grain Graphics Gravel Groceries Hair Hardware Health Health-Care Heat History Homes

Horses Houses Housing Human-Resources Import Infants Information Injury Insects Israel

Installation Instruments Insurance Internet Invention Investment Irrigation Janitorial Jazz

Jewelry Jobs Journalism Kitchens Labor Laboratories Lamination Land Landscape

Language Laundry Law Lease Lecture Legislation Linux Liquor Literature Loans Lobbies

Lumber Machines Macs Magazines Mail Management Manufacture Maps Marinas

Marketing Math Mattresses Meat Medicine Men Merchandise Metal Micro-Electronics

Microsoft Middle East Mines Mobile-Homes Motion Motorcycles Motors Motor-Sports

Moving Music Mutual-Funds Negotiation Newsletters Newspapers Non-Profit Nursing

Nutrition Office Oil Organization Orthopedics Paint Paper Parks Parts Patents Pavement

PC’s People Performance Personnel Petroleum Pharmaceuticals Philosophy Photography

Physics Pictures Pizza Plans Plants Plastics Plumbing Politics Population Poultry Poverty

Pre-School Print Process Produce Production Property-Management Psychiatry Psychology

Public- Relations Publishing Race-Tracks Radio Radiology Railroads Ranches Real-Estate

Recruitment Religion Removal Repair Research Restaurants Retail Rock Roofs Sales

Salvage Sand Sand-Blast Sanitation Schools Science Scrap Scripts Seafood Service

Service-Stations Ships Shrubs Signs Skin Sociology Software Specialty Speech

Speedways Sports Stamps Statistics Steel Stocks Storage Storyboards Supply Surgery

Survey Talent Taxes Taxidermy Technology Television Text-Books Textiles Theatre

Theology Therapy Timber Tobacco Toddlers Tools Trade Transportation Travel Trees

Trucks Trusts Vacation Vegetables Vehicles Vending Vocation Wallpaper Waste Water Websites

Welding Wholesale Wine Women Words Yard-Sales Youth Zoology

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Build The Career You Love!

Welcome to "Maximize Your Career", a site designed to '"Revolutionize Your Approach To Life and Work. Our goals are to offer daily posts and resources that will help you enjoy increasingly higher levels of success, satisfaction, and significance. We will help you focus on productive attitudes, increased use of your aptitudes, talents, and abilities, and navigate the job searching, sorting, and selection process. This site is for career professionals, business owners, managers, parents, educators, and students who want to increase their effectiveness in the world of work. Whether you are super-employed, unemployed, underemployed, miserably-employed, nervously-employed – in school preparing for work or in retirement returning to work – you are an incredible, we believe one-of-a-kind person made by God who is as motivator Zig Ziglar says, “Designed for Accomplishment, Engineered for Success, Endowed with the Seeds of Greatness.”

This blog comes with free access to: The web’s largest job search engines, a network of more than 100 career group locations, a free 80 page Maximize Your Career Booklet, links and resources from national experts like Marcus Buckingham, Harvey Mackay, Tom Peters, and Seth Godin, over a dozen short biographies from Entrepreneur Magazine on people like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, film maker George Lucas, Ben and Jerry The Ice-Cream Guys, and more...

What are you Insanely Great at? What could you be great at if you developed it? What are the moments when you think "I was made for this"? Read on. Explore the Career Assessment Strength Links on the side bar to your right. Nose around in our Career Bookstore. Begin a process designed to put your unique strengths out into the world where you and everyone else can enjoy the benefits.

Comments on Coaching and Classes

"The Purpose of this letter is to describe the benefits I enjoyed from my coaching experience with Dale Cobb. I had a very specific issue, which I needed help getting over the hump with. Our conversations were very helpful in keeping me on track and getting me to the finish line. I believe that Dale is a keen observer of the human condition and has the ability to reflect back an individuals thoughts and goals as one strives for success. I found the services offered by Dale to be timely and effective. In the future, I am sure I will be presented with challenges that require outside assistance. When that time comes, I will not hesitate to call on Dale for his fresh bright and insightful guidance."

Thank You,
Joe Sexton
Managing Partner, CFR Executive Search
Chicago, Illinois

“Working with Dale has always been rewarding. Dale has always been on the leading edge developing new ways of marketing his products and services. Always willing to try new approaches and follow through... Always convincing.”

Fred Friday, Director of Operations
Fundcraft Publishing
Memphis, Tennessee

"Dale has always impressed me with his integrity, marketing insights, compassion and follow through. He thinks outside the box, asks the questions that others fail to ask and has a real heart for training others to be the best they can be. You can count on Dale."

Tim Turner, Owner Turner Strategic
Atlanta, Georgia

“Dale is always the most prepared person in the room. He has the ability to listen and clarify the issue at hand. He is a creative, caring leader. He has always been a joy to work with.”

Beverly Sherman, Owner Creative Connections
Lansing, Michigan

I would like to take the opportunity to offer my recommendation for Dale Cobb. He has the remarkable ability to clearly listen to a problem, understand the issues and suggest a course of action that satisfies the needs of me and my clients. I cannot tell you how many times his advice was precisely what I needed to close a deal or carefully resolve a difficult situation. He is resourceful and creative in his teaching style. Over all he helped me to be more efficient and successful in my career.

Michael Ward
Sacramento, California

It has been an incredible experience for me having you as my coach. As a small business owner I have at times felt isolated and stuck in my own thinking. With your excellent coaching I have been able to expand not only my thinking about existing design practice but about the design and building industry and how I can enlarge my place in it.

Interior Designer
Carmel, California

Dale helped me with exploring perspectives, chunking them down, setting goals, action planning, and overcoming hurdles (professionally and personally). The coaching format has moved me from a dream to implementing an action plan.

Management Consultant
Greenbrae, California

I have found your coaching very helpful. I have been somewhat stuck in my career decisions, but with your understanding and focus I am now moving forward. I am now positive about my direction and the steps I want to take. The coaching has also helped my personal life. I thank you for being there for me now and in the future.

Retired Dentist
Meadow Vista, California

This is one of the most beneficial and rewarding classes I have attended. Thank You.

Comfortable casual feeling....Lots of laughter...Made classes fun and increased learning.

Everything was explained so clearly. I came away from the course having learned a great deal.

Very interesting, I've learned a lot... The material has given me a lot to work with.I've enjoyed all the sessions and feel I received something from each session to help me be a better person.